Unleash a plague of locusts that swarms an enemy, dealing 1040% weapon damage as Poison over 8 seconds.
The locusts will jump to additional nearby enemies.
Unlocked at level 21
Diseased Swarm
Enemies killed while affected by Locust Swarm leave behind a cloud of locusts that deal 750% weapon damage as Poison over 3 seconds to enemies who stand in the area.
Heals you and the Templar for 193,093 Life based on the Templar's Strength.
Unlocked at level 5
Regenerates 6436 Life per second for you and the Templar based on the Templar's Strength.
Unlocked at level 10
Cooldown:20 seconds
Delivers a massive blow to an enemy for 800% weapon damage and causes the target and nearby enemies to take 10% increased damage for 3.00 seconds based on the Templar's Strength.