Item | Req. |
Apprentice's Wand
1 |
Lesser Wand
5 |
Oak Wand
6 |
Primary +[626 - 750] Intelligence+[981 - 1199]-[1175 - 1490] Cold Damage Secondary Lightning damage is increased by 12% for every 10 yards you are from the target up to a maximum of 40 yards. (Wizard Only) [10 - 15]%
9 |
Unstable Scepter
Primary +[626 - 750] IntelligenceSecondary The damage of Arcane Orb is increased by 378% and its explosion triggers an additional time. (Wizard Only) [350 - 450]%
9 |
10 |
Steel Wand
13 |
Mentor Wand
17 |
Enchanter Wand
21 |
Grim Wand
25 |
Conjuration Twig
29 |
Blackhand Key
Primary +[981 - 1199]-[1175 - 1490] Arcane Damage+[626 - 750] Intelligence Secondary +[13 - 14] Maximum Arcane Power
30 |
Petrified Wand
33 |
Serpent's Sparker
Primary +[626 - 750] IntelligenceSecondary You may have one extra Hydra active at a time and they deal 279% increased damage. [250 - 300]%
34 |
Wand of Woh
Primary +[626 - 750] IntelligenceSecondary The damage of Explosive Blast is increased by 328% and 3 additional blasts are triggered after casting Explosive Blast. (Wizard Only) [300 - 400]%
34 |
Duelist Wand
36 |
Jade Wand
39 |
Battle Wand
42 |
Divination Wand
45 |
Sorcery Wand
48 |
Fragment of Destiny
Primary +[626 - 750] IntelligenceSecondary Your Signature Spells attack 50% faster and deal triple damage. You gain a Spectral buff whenever you land an attack with a Signature Spell. Hydras deal 20% increased damage for each Spectral stack. Max 10 stacks. [20 - 30]%
50 |
Silversteel Wand
50 |
Gesture of Orpheus
Primary +[626 - 750] IntelligenceSecondary Reduces the cooldown of Slow Time by 30%. (Wizard Only) [30 - 40]%
50 |
Greater Wand
53 |
55 |